download : Wellness Diary v2.03

Improve your health and wellness every day. With Wellness Diary on your phone you’ll be able to change your lifestyle for the better. Self-monitoring is proven to be extremely effective in lifestyle changes. Wellness Diary makes monitoring of your day-to-day wellness almost effortless, helping you to build healthy habits into your daily routine.

Make a change for the better and download Wellness Diary Beta now.

This service is still in beta phase and under development.
Self-monitoring can double your chances of meeting your wellbeing goals

Wellness Diary is based on solid scientific evidence in the field of behavioural change management. Research has shown that self-monitoring is an effective method for improving your health behaviour. As an example, people who monitored their weight on a daily basis were considerably more successful (with almost double the success) in weight management than those monitoring themselves less often. Taking daily measurements is important. Therefore we have designed Wellness Diary to make daily self-monitoring of your wellness easy, with automatic functions and reminders, and graphical displays of your progress.

With Wellness Diary on your phone you’ll be able to monitor your health and wellness day-to-day, and make small changes to achieve your long term goals. In the near future you’ll also be able to share your progress with friends via social networks.

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